Intellicom is excited to announce that we have been selected to implement immersive audio video infrastructure throughout all 100 counties in North Carolina's Judicial courtrooms. The North Carolina Judicial Branch has launched the Courtroom Audio Visual (CRAVE) Project to further enhance the capability to safely and securely hold remote court proceedings.
The new equipment is fundamental for court systems to expand their remote proceedings capabilities. The use of remote technology will improve courtroom safety, efficiency, and accessibility.
The immersive courtroom audio video infrastructure inside the courtroom includes numerous cameras, microphones, and monitors. A public kiosk located in the courthouse is connected with the system and allows self-represented litigants to make an appearance outside of a courtroom. The technology will greatly reduce the need for an in-person appearance in some cases and reduce courthouse foot traffic. Source: NCcourts.gov
The new CRAVE system is currently being deployed by Intellicom's team and is scheduled for implementation in all 100 counties by the second quarter of 2023. Great work, everyone!
Read the full article on North Carolina's Judicial Branch website
The new equipment is fundamental for court systems to expand their remote proceedings capabilities. The use of remote technology will improve courtroom safety, efficiency, and accessibility.
The immersive courtroom audio video infrastructure inside the courtroom includes numerous cameras, microphones, and monitors. A public kiosk located in the courthouse is connected with the system and allows self-represented litigants to make an appearance outside of a courtroom. The technology will greatly reduce the need for an in-person appearance in some cases and reduce courthouse foot traffic. Source: NCcourts.gov
The new CRAVE system is currently being deployed by Intellicom's team and is scheduled for implementation in all 100 counties by the second quarter of 2023. Great work, everyone!
Read the full article on North Carolina's Judicial Branch website